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News — Wool

Wool Grading Chart

Posted by Lewis White on

Wool GradesBradford Count                         Micron                                 crimps per in.finer than 80’s                              17                                         20+80s                                               18                                         18-2070s                                               19                                         15-1866s                                               20                                         13-1564s                                               21                                         10-1362s                                               23                                           9-1160s                                               24                                           7-1058s                                               26                                           6-856s                                               27                                           4-654s                                               29                                           4-550s                                               30                                           2.5-448s                                               32                                           2-446s                                               33                                           -----44s                                               35                                           -----40s                                               37                                           -----36s                                               39                                           -----Exotic Fiber GradesFiber type                               Micron                                    Staple lengthAlpaca                                        26-27                                      4-12inLlama                                         28-30                                    10-12inCamel dehaired                         20                                            1-4inGuanaco                                    15-16                                       2inVicuna                                        12-14                                      1inMohair adult                                30-55                                   up to 10inMohair kid                                   25-26                                      4-6inAngora rabbit                              12-15                                      2-3inCashmere dehaired                   13-16                                      1-3inChiengora varies by breed of dog, and undercoat...

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